Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Path400 receives transportation award

The PATH400 Greenway Trail, a multi-use trail along the Georgia 400 freeway in Buckhead earned the Socrata People’s Choice Award in the America’s Transportation Awards, according to a press release.

The contest ran through September and PATH400 received the most online votes out of 12 projects nationwide. On Nov. 15, during Georgia Department of Transportation’s State Transportation Board meeting, representatives from PATH400 received the $10,000 prize that accompanies the award.

The Socrata People’s Choice Award for Quality of Life/Community Development recognizes a transportation project that has contributed to the general quality of life and economic development of local communities – ultimately helping to better connect people to businesses, jobs, health care facilities and recreational activities while encouraging a mix of transportation modes.

GDOT, which granted use of its right-of-way for PATH400, nominated the project for America’s Transportation Awards. The Buckhead Community Improvement District, Livable Buckhead and PATH Foundation are the three organizations behind the creation of PATH400. Livable Buckhead received the $10,000 award which will help complete the project. PATH400 is a 5.2-mile multi-use trail that connects the Buckhead Community and will eventually connect to the Atlanta BeltLine and other nearby trails.

Public comment period extended for Walan air quality regulations construction permit

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control extended the public comment period on the company’s permit applicatio...