Monday, February 25, 2019

Transportation event focuses on businesses and children

LEXINGTON — The Orthman Community YMCA held its second Transportation Celebration at Jim Kelly Field/Lexington Airport on Saturday, Sept. 22. The event showcased over 30 vehicles from 30 businesses from around the Dawson County area. The main focus of the event was to show children who attended vehicles up close that they see on the road every day.

“This is our second year holding this event,” Executive Director for the Orthman Community YMCA Riley Gruntorad, “We have more vehicles this year and are providing a lunch, the meat was donated by Tyson.”

Vehicles of all kinds were spread out on the tarmac. Everything from cranes, combines, tractors, semi-trucks, trailers, ambulances, law enforcement vehicles, motorcycles, sprayers, drills, tow trucks, mixers, a road grader, etc.

Pastor Rex Adams, a member of the Lexington Volunteer Fire Department was present with Engine 31 and Truck 22. Adams said the LVFD had been at this event last year and that the kids enjoyed seeing the lights and hearing the sirens and horn sound.

Law enforcement was represented by the Dawson County Sheriff’s Department, Nebraska State Patrol and the Lexington Police Department who each brought their typical patrol vehicles.

Lucas Burch represented Country Partners Cooperative with a Case Titan 4530 sprayer. Titan Machinery also was present with red equipment. Mario Garcia and Vern Thompson showed a Case 8240 combine. Garcia said Titan was present at last year’s event but that the hassle of harvest time prevented them from bringing more equipment.

“The event went very well, 601 people attended and if you count everyone involved and our vendors, we had 656 people involved with the event overall,” Gruntorad said on Monday, “This event was not about the Y, but about the kids so that they could see up close the vehicles they see every day on the roads. It was also for our businesses, many of which are sponsors of the YMCA, to give them a chance to showcase themselves and their services.”

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The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control extended the public comment period on the company’s permit applicatio...