Wednesday, September 20, 2017

After Brief Disruption Of Hurricanes, Oil And Gas Industry Seems Set For More Stability

The approach of the final quarter of 2017 seems an opportune time to check on the state of the U.S. oil and gas industry, and its outlook for the remainder of the year. While Hurricanes Harvey and Irma definitely caused significant disruptions in the nation's oil and gasoline delivery systems, the reality is that those disruptions will be rapidly resolved and the storms really will not make any lasting impact on the global oil and gas markets.

This year has been amazingly stable overall, especially when compared with the rampant instability during 2015 and 2016, and the various determining factors would appear to indicate that the industry is in for a good deal more stability ― some would call it stagnation ― for the year's final 100 days.

Corporate Processes Continue to Prevail

As I've discussed a couple of times since June, so much of this seeming stability is in fact dictated by the nature of internal budgeting processes, especially within the mid-size-to-large corporate independent producers that dominate drilling markets in the United States. These big producers set their budgets for the second half of the year back in April and May, with an expectation of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude prices hovering within a range of $44 to $48 per barrel, and a natural gas price of ~$3.00/mmbtu.

Because these dominant companies began executing on those second-half budgets on July 1, the overall rig count initially stagnated for a few weeks, and it has now slowly fallen by ~25 rigs over the last five weeks. A variety of factors have combined to move the crude trading range up slightly, to a range of about $47 to $50/bbl, but that's not enough of an increase to create momentum within these companies to significantly increase their capital budgets for the remainder of the year.

We are right at the point in time of the year during which these companies conduct their final revisions for their second-half budgets, and all the market indicators are agitating for holding firm. Thus, barring some major unforeseen disruption that causes a dramatic rise or collapse in crude prices, the most likely scenario is that rig counts and drilling levels will remain static as these big producers continue executing on the budgets they set back in April and May.

Cause and Effect, or Vice Versa?

Indeed, these corporate processes aren't merely responding to the relative market stability; they are also helping to create it. Traders factor the stable corporate capital allocations, and the stagnating rig counts and permit application levels those allocations are creating, into their own calculus when placing their bets on futures prices. The shale industry, which regularly took much of the blame for dramatic price swings because of its over-spending and over-drilling during 2015 and 2016, is now one of the main contributors to the comparative stability of 2017.

The shale industry's new status as a stabilizing force has come about in concert with a set of other stabilizing factors in global markets, one of which is the fact that global demand has, for the third straight year, risen much more rapidly than the experts at the IEA had predicted early in the year. Writing elsewhere for Forbes, Robert Rapier points out that China's demand for oil is growing at double 2016's pace:

China's oil demand rose by 690,000 BPD in July, marking a 6% year-over-year (YOY) increase. China's total oil demand reached 11.67 million BPD in July. Year-to-date data indicates an average growth of 550,000 BPD, more than double the 210,000 BPD growth recorded during the same period in 2016.

This news is causing very bad days for all the peddlers of "Peak Demand" junk theory, but it's helping create a very welcome respite from all the price volatility that characterized oil markets during 2014-2016.

And Then There's OPEC

We continue to see lots of oil analysts poking fun at OPEC for not "solving" the oil price issue with its agreement to limit exports, and I suppose some of that is deserved since OPEC created the issue in the first place by flooding the market in early 2014. But the reality is that while the cartel can no longer fully control the global price of crude (if indeed it ever really could), it definitely can still influence it. And there is no doubt that its export limitations, while failing to create the $60+/bbl price the OPEC nations had hoped for, have without question helped to stabilize the Brent price within the $50-$55/bbl range.

Indeed, OPEC's overall compliance with its agreement, which had faltered over the first half of 2017, has increased over the last few months, and its overall production fell by 79,000 bopd during August, its first overall drop since April. OPEC's export limitation agreement is currently scheduled to expire as of March 31, 2018, but cartel members are already holding informal discussions targeting a longer extension, and rumors abound that a special meeting of the cartel's ministers could be called between now and November to execute a formal extension. As the global supply/demand equation continues to move slowly towards equilibrium, any further extension would be a welcome signal toward prolonged stability and potential price growth into 2018.

About That Differential ...

With the WTI index price being heavily influenced by oil production in the Permian Basin, the basis differential between WTI and Brent has expanded during 2017 as pipeline bottleneck concerns for oil coming out of the Permian have grown. The good news here is that there are now half a dozen major oil pipeline projects either already under construction or in the planning and permitting stages that will alleviate this concern over the next 12-24 months.

With these announced projects totaling a proposed increase in takeaway capacity out of the Permian of upwards of 1 million bopd, producers reliant on the WTI price as a marker for their sales contracts can anticipate a narrowing of the WTI/Brent gap in the months to come.

The Forecast: Stability With a Modest Chance for Growth

These factors, combined with America's rapidly expanding capacity for export of both crude oil and liquefied natural gas, all point to the likelihood of continued stability for the remainder of 2017, with some prospects for some level of growth during 2018. After the previous three years of wild instability and upheaval, few in the U.S. oil and gas industry would turn up their noses at such a boring forecast.

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