Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Pipeline builder asks judge to allow pre-construction work

HELENA, Mont. (AP) — The company that wants to build the Keystone XL pipeline is asking a Montana judge to change his order blocking the project so that pre-construction work can continue.

Attorneys for TransCanada will argue on Wednesday that U.S. District Judge Brian Morris should clarify or amend his ruling to say the injunction does not apply to activities such as finalizing contracts, purchasing materials, conducting land surveys and discussing federal permits.

On Nov. 8, Morris blocked TransCanada's permit to build the pipeline from Alberta's oil sands through a half-dozen U.S. states to the Gulf of Mexico.

The judge had ruled the Trump administration had not fully considered the environmental effects of the pipeline.

TransCanada's attorneys say the company wants to continue preparing for construction while it considers an appeal.

Public comment period extended for Walan air quality regulations construction permit

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control extended the public comment period on the company’s permit applicatio...