On Monday, federal regulators reissued two permits that will allow construction of the 600-mile Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) to resume. The two permits had been vacated in August by a 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission lifted the stop-work order it had imposed last month in response to a ruling by the court of appeals that denied permits allowing the project to cross the Blue Ridge Parkway and possibly harm endangered or threatened animal species.
The National Park Service has reissued a right-of-way permit for the pipeline to cross beneath the scenic drive between Augusta and Nelson counties, and the Fish & Wildlife Service issued a new biological opinion on Sept. 11 that confirms the project wouldn’t jeopardize the habitats of any endangered or threatened species in its path.
The National Park Service has reissued a right-of-way permit for the pipeline to cross beneath the scenic drive between Augusta and Nelson counties, and the Fish & Wildlife Service issued a new biological opinion on Sept. 11 that confirms the project wouldn’t jeopardize the habitats of any endangered or threatened species in its path.
Dominion went to extraordinary lengths to ease concerns and meet stringent federal criteria. The applicable agencies were obligated to reissue the necessary permits. “Construction activities along project areas which had previously received a notice to proceed may now continue,” said Terry L. Turpin, director of the commission’s office of energy projects.
Turpin authorized construction to resume on the Mountain Valley Pipeline last month, weeks after the commission halted work on that 303-mile project in response to another 4th Circuit decision that vacated its permit from the U.S. Forest Service to cross national forest lands.
Turpin authorized construction to resume on the Mountain Valley Pipeline last month, weeks after the commission halted work on that 303-mile project in response to another 4th Circuit decision that vacated its permit from the U.S. Forest Service to cross national forest lands.
Opponents of the pipeline are not happy the permits have been reissued. They have fought mightily to prevent construction of the pipelines. But they are in the minority. By a large majority, Virginians support the pipelines and appreciate that the ACP and the MVP will provide jobs and opportunity while posing very little threat to our priceless natural resources.