Transco, a wholly owned subsidiary of Williams Partners LP, has filed an application with the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission seeking authorization for its Southeastern Trail expansion project, which would create 296,375 dekatherms/day of additional firm transportation capacity to the US Mid-Atlantic and Southeast.
Subject to FERC approval, the expansion project will consist of 7.7 miles of 42-in. pipeline looping facilities in Virginia, horsepower additions at existing compressor stations in Virginia, and piping and valve modifications on other existing facilities in South Carolina, Georgia, and Louisiana to allow for bidirectional flow.
Williams Partners has executed precedent agreements with utility and local distribution companies located in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia for firm transportation service under the project.
The company held an open season for the project last summer and executed long-term binding precedent agreements with five natural gas shippers for 100% of the firm transportation capacity.
The certificate application reflects an expected capital cost of $404.8 million and a target in-service commitment of Nov. 1, 2020.
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