Thursday, August 3, 2017

Oil and gas companies — including Shell, Chevron and Exxon Mobil — come out against Texas bathroom bill

AUSTIN — The nation's largest oil, gas and chemical companies are the latest big businesses to publicly oppose the so-called Texas bathroom bill.

In a letter sent Monday to Gov. Greg Abbott, 50 Houston-area businesses said the bill would harm their ability to recruit and retain top talent. CEOs from BP America, Chevron North America E&P, Dow Chemical Co., Exxon Mobil Global Services and Halliburton were among the signers.

"We support diversity and inclusion, and we believe that any such bill risks harming Texas' reputation and impacting the state's economic growth and ability to create new jobs," they wrote. "Any bill that harms our ability to attract top talent to Houston will inhibit our growth and continued success — and ultimately the success of our great state."

"We appreciate your leadership in Texas and urge you to avoid any actions, including the passage of any 'bathroom bill,' that would threaten our continued growth."

Leaders from Accenture, BBVA Compass, Calpine Corp., CenterPoint Energy, ConocoPhillips and Tesco Corp. also signed the letter, as did Rice University President David Leebron.

Abbott called lawmakers back to Austin this summer for a special session and included the bathroom legislation on his list of priorities. Three bills that would restrict the bathrooms available for use to transgender men, women and children have been filed.

One of these three bills, filed by Brenham Republican Sen. Lois Kolkhorst, easily passed the Senate last week. Success in the House will be far harder given the opposition from some of the chamber's top leaders, including Speaker Joe Straus, R-San Antonio, and Rep. Byron Cook, the Corsicana Republican who heads the committee that will hear the bills.

Abbott resurrected the bathroom bill debate this summer after lawmakers failed to pass any such legislation during the regular session that ended in May. Since then, businesses have come out in force against it.
Several major corporations — including AT&T, American Airlines, IBM and Texas Instruments —had already denounced the legislation as "discriminatory" toward the transgender community and bad for Texas business. The bill is also opposed by statewide school associations; national teacher, counselor and social worker groups; local law enforcement, including the Dallas Police Department; and LGBT rights organizations.

The bill's supporters say they want to protect the privacy of women and girls in intimate spaces. It has the support of far-right conservative groups like the Texas Pastors Council and Texas Values.

Several major corporations — including AT&T, American Airlines, IBM and Texas Instruments —had already denounced the legislation as "discriminatory" toward the transgender community and bad for Texas business. The bill is also opposed by statewide school associations; national teacher, counselor and social worker groups; local law enforcement, including the Dallas Police Department; and LGBT rights organizations.

The bill's supporters say they want to protect the privacy of women and girls in intimate spaces. It has the support of far-right conservative groups like the Texas Pastors Council and Texas Values. 

Public comment period extended for Walan air quality regulations construction permit

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control extended the public comment period on the company’s permit applicatio...