But that’s not how environmental advocates see it.
“HB 1818 basically does nothing,” said Luke Metzger, director of
Environment Texas. “It allows the agency to continue business as usual …
It’s a big, oil-friendly bill.”
Though the end of the eight-year struggle over the agency is likely a
welcome respite for battle-weary lawmakers, HB 1818 carries few
substantive changes and is largely a win for the industry. The 11-page proposal
incorporates few changes recommended by Sunset Commission staff and
sidesteps the most meaningful reforms. Provisions such as changing the
agency’s name to reflect what it does — it has nothing to do with
railroads — or limiting campaign contributions to RRC commissioners
never made it into the bill.
“Before Sunset Commission even met, [the commissioners] had made up
their mind,” said Carol Birch, a lobbyist for the consumer and
environmental advocacy group Public Citizen. “Nobody would even talk to
you about it. They just wanted this clean bill.”
That’s a response to past legislative fights, which in 2011 and 2013
became contentious before ultimately failing. As a result,
Representative Larry Gonzales, a Round Rock Republican who chairs the
Sunset Commission and filed HB 1818, and other members decided to avoid
any controversial proposals that could keep the bill from becoming law
this session. Since 2011, the Lege has also become less ambitious in its
plans for the RRC, knowing that altering the governing structure of the
agency and changing its name are hard sells. Members of the oil and gas
industry have opposed those changes, claiming the RRC should keep its
name because of its historical significance and that the current board
structure works fine. Environmental advocates say HB 1818 — now headed
to Governor Greg Abbott’s desk, where it will almost certainly become
law — does very little to address their long-standing concerns.
Birch said many reforms haven’t progressed because there’s an implicit
understanding that voting for them will be perceived as anti-oil and
gas. That’s a significant concern for lawmakers in Texas, where the oil
and gas industry is responsible for about 13 percent of the state’s GDP
and is a significant contributor to legislative campaigns. A recent report from Texans for Public Justice,
a government accountability group, found that the energy and natural
resources industry is the top funding source for the state’s 181
lawmakers. The industry contributed 11 cents on average for every dollar
lawmakers raised. Oil and gas lobbyists also significantly outnumber
environmental advocates.
“There’s a handful of us and a gazillion of them,” said Birch. “They
don’t come and testify on bills. They all do it behind the scenes.”
She likened the Legislature’s malaise to “battle fatigue.”
“They were trying to do something meaningful the first time they
tackled it,” she said. “The next time they tried to do less. Each time
they’ve tried for less and less to the point where they’ve completely
given up.”
In 2011, the Legislature seemed somewhat more willing to take on the oil and gas industry. That session lawmakers passed a first-of-its-kind bill
requiring oil and gas companies to disclose chemicals in fracking
fluids. Lawmakers also came close to passing substantive reform that
year. Both the House and Senate passed versions of a bill that changed
the RRC’s name to the Texas Oil and Gas Commission and restricted
commissioners from accepting political donations during non-election
But the bill ultimately failed. Lawmakers couldn’t decide whether the
agency should retain its authority to conduct hearings over enforcement
and gas utility issues. Members of the oil and gas industry opposed
moving those hearings out of the RRC and lawmakers ended up deadlocked.
In the end, lawmakers passed a “safety net” bill that temporarily
extended the agency’s authority to operate for two more years.
The Sunset Commission went through the motions again in 2013. Having
learned from their experience the previous session, the commission
dropped changes to restructure the agency. But this time lawmakers got
hung up on an ethics provision requiring the agency’s commissioners to
fundraise only during the 17 months prior to re-election to reduce
conflicts of interest. The RRC commissioners, chosen through partisan
elections, lobbied against it and the bill languished in the House.
Again, lawmakers passed a “safety net” bill extending the agency’s
operations, this time for four years.
Lawmakers this year were much more careful about keeping the bill on
track, and even Sunset staff appear to have lost confidence in the Lege.
The 2016 report left out past recommendations to restructure the board
and limit commissioners’ ability to take campaign contributions. And the
Sunset Commission killed other controversial measures so they never
made it into HB 1818. Instead, lawmakers added a provision to the bill
that required RRC contractors to use E-Verify to check the immigration
status of workers.
Meanwhile, bills that implement more controversial reforms, such as renaming the agency to Texas Energy Resources Commission and requiring it to post enforcement data online, have languished this session. They’ve either been left pending in committee or haven’t been called for a vote.
Birch, the Public Citizen lobbyist, pointed to an ethics reform bill
that her group has been championing as an example. Much like past
proposals, it would prevent commissioners from accepting political
contributions during the 17 months prior to an election. The proposal
was voted out of committee, but it was never placed on the House
calendar and fell victim to legislative deadlines.
“Nobody wants to take responsibility [for helping pass the bill],”
Birch said. “If they wait till the last second, they can just say they
didn’t have time. It’s easier to explain that calendars didn’t have
time, than say we don’t want ethics reform.”
In the end, politics and lawmakers’ instinct for self-preservation
has put the environment and Texans’ health at risk, said Birch, the
Public Citizen lobbyist. “They’re all just playing games at the public’s